Monday, August 24, 2009

Welcome to my blog

I found it interesting to read what was on everyone else's mind in their posts on their blogs, so I thought to myself, "What the hell? I may as well do one of my own!!!". For one thing I think it will be very therapeutic and for another it will keep me in touch with all of my pals across the nation.

It's Monday. A new week. Time to get motivated. Although I sit here at my computer still in my pajamas drinking coffee, smoking cigs and it's almost noon. That's my life in my unemployed world. Sure I've got plenty to do...but this is going to take precedence for now.

I've actually got a busy week. I'm going to have a garage sale with my friend Stacy on Fri and Sat. and I've got stuff going on every night this week. Then my house is a wreck and two teenagers don't help. Then we're out of food so there's the never ending grocery shopping....etc. etc. So I guess my unemployed ass will have plenty to look forward to.

So welcome to the world of the chiquita banana (that's my nickname from my wonderful father up in North Dakota).